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V  -  Volts
V DIF  -  Voltage Difference
V2G  -  Vehicle to Grid
V6  -  6 Cylinder Engine
V8  -  8 Cylinder Engine
VAC  -  Vacuum;  Vehicle Access Code
VACS  -  Vehicle Access Control System
VAF  -  Vane Air Flow;  Volume Air Flow
VAPS  -  Variable Assist Power Steering;  Virtual Automotive Prototyping System
VASCO  -  Vehicle Application-Specific Computer
VAT  -  Vane Air Temperature;  Visual Authoring Tool
VATS  -  Vehicle AntiTheft System
VB  -  Valve body
VCC  -  Viscous Converter Clutch
VCI  -  Vehicle Communication Interface
VCIM  -  Vehicle Communication Interface Mode
VCL  -  Vehicle Communication Link
VCM  -  Variable Cylinder Management;  Vehicle Communication Module;  Vehicle Control Module
VCRM  -  Variable Control Relay Module
VCT  -  Variable Camshaft Timing
VDCS  -  Vehicle Dynamics Control System
VDIS  -  Vehicle Diagnostic Information System
VDM  -  Vehicle Dynamics Module
VDOT  -  Variable Displacement Orifice Tube
VDP  -  Vehicle Dynamics Processor
VDR  -  Vehicle Data Recorder;  Vehicle Dealer Recorder
VDS  -  Valve Deactivation System
VDV  -  Vacuum Delay Valve
VECI  -  Vehicle Emission Control Information
VEDR  -  Vehicle Event Data Recorder
VEH  -  Vehicle
VEL  -  Velocity
VER  -  Version
VERT  -  Vertical
VES  -  Variable Effort Steering
VF  -  Vacuum Flourescent
VGT  -  Variable Geometry Turbocharger
VIC  -  Virtual Image Cluster module
VICS  -  Vehicle Information Communication System
VIN  -  Vehicle Identification Number
VIP  -  Vehicle Intrusion Protection
VIU  -  Vehicle Interface Unit
VLCM  -  Variable Load Control Module
VLR  -  Voltage Loop Reserve
VLV  -  Valve
VMM  -  Vehicle Measurement Module
VMRS  -  Vehicle Maintenance Reporting System
VMV  -  Vacuum Modulator Valve;  Vapour Management Valve
VNT  -  Variable Nozzle Turbine;  Variable Nozzle Turbocharger
VOTM  -  Vacuum Operated Throttle Modulator
VPWR  -  Vehicle Power
VR  -  Vacuum Regulator
VREF  -  Voltage Reference
VRIS  -  Variable Resonance Induction System
VRLA  -  Valve Regulated Lead Acid
VRV  -  Vacuum Reducer Valve
VS  -  Variable Speed
VSC  -  Vehicle Stability Control
VSES  -  Vehicle Stability Enhancement System
VSPD  -  Vehicle speed
VSS  -  Vehicle Speed Sensor
VSV  -  Vacuum Solenoid Valve
VTA  -  Vehicle Theft Alarm
VTD  -  Vehicle Theft Deterrent
VTEC  -  Variable (valve) Timing (and lift) Electronic Control
VTSS  -  Vehicle Theft Security System
VVT-I  -  Variable Valve Timing with Intelligence
VVTL-I  -  Variable Valve Timing and Lift with Intelligence

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |  0-9
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations.  These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general.  This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here.  Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.

Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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