V - Volts
V DIF - Voltage Difference
V2G - Vehicle to Grid
V6 - 6 Cylinder Engine
V8 - 8 Cylinder Engine
VAC - Vacuum; Vehicle Access Code
VACS - Vehicle Access Control System
VAF - Vane Air Flow; Volume Air Flow
VAPS - Variable Assist Power Steering; Virtual Automotive Prototyping System
VASCO - Vehicle Application-Specific Computer
VAT - Vane Air Temperature; Visual Authoring Tool
VATS - Vehicle AntiTheft System
VB - Valve body
VCC - Viscous Converter Clutch
VCI - Vehicle Communication Interface
VCIM - Vehicle Communication Interface Mode
VCL - Vehicle Communication Link
VCM - Variable Cylinder Management; Vehicle Communication Module; Vehicle Control Module
VCRM - Variable Control Relay Module
VCT - Variable Camshaft Timing
VDCS - Vehicle Dynamics Control System
VDIS - Vehicle Diagnostic Information System
VDM - Vehicle Dynamics Module
VDOT - Variable Displacement Orifice Tube
VDP - Vehicle Dynamics Processor
VDR - Vehicle Data Recorder; Vehicle Dealer Recorder
VDS - Valve Deactivation System
VDV - Vacuum Delay Valve
VECI - Vehicle Emission Control Information
VEDR - Vehicle Event Data Recorder
VEH - Vehicle
VEL - Velocity
VER - Version
VERT - Vertical
VES - Variable Effort Steering
VF - Vacuum Flourescent
VGT - Variable Geometry Turbocharger
VIC - Virtual Image Cluster module
VICS - Vehicle Information Communication System
VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
VIP - Vehicle Intrusion Protection
VIU - Vehicle Interface Unit
VLCM - Variable Load Control Module
VLR - Voltage Loop Reserve
VLV - Valve
VMM - Vehicle Measurement Module
VMRS - Vehicle Maintenance Reporting System
VMV - Vacuum Modulator Valve; Vapour Management Valve
VNT - Variable Nozzle Turbine; Variable Nozzle Turbocharger
VOTM - Vacuum Operated Throttle Modulator
VPWR - Vehicle Power
VR - Vacuum Regulator
VREF - Voltage Reference
VRIS - Variable Resonance Induction System
VRLA - Valve Regulated Lead Acid
VRV - Vacuum Reducer Valve
VS - Variable Speed
VSC - Vehicle Stability Control
VSES - Vehicle Stability Enhancement System
VSPD - Vehicle speed
VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor
VSV - Vacuum Solenoid Valve
VTA - Vehicle Theft Alarm
VTD - Vehicle Theft Deterrent
VTEC - Variable (valve) Timing (and lift) Electronic Control
VTSS - Vehicle Theft Security System
VVT-I - Variable Valve Timing with Intelligence
VVTL-I - Variable Valve Timing and Lift with Intelligence