S/P - Series/Parallel
S/W - Software
S4WD - Selectable Four Wheel Drive
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF - Stabilized Aluminum Foam
SAS - Side Auxiliary Sensor
SATC - Semi-Auto Temperature Control module
SAVDAS - Stand-Alone Vehicle Data Aquisition System
SAW - Spark Angle Word
SB - Short Box; Short Bed; Short Block; Small Block
SBDS - Service Bay Diagnostic System
SBEC - Single Board Engine Controller (replaced with PCM)
SBM - Standard Body Module
SBS - Supercharger Bypass Solenoid
SBT - Serial Bus Traveller
SC - Supercharger
SCA - Supplemental Coolant Additive
SCB - Supercharger Bypass
SCCA - Sports Car Club of America
SCI - Serial Communications Interface
SCIL - Steering Column/Instrument panel Lighting
SCM - Seat Control Module
SCP - Standard Corporate Protocol
SCS - Side Crash Sensor
SCTM - Seatbelt Timer Control Module
SCV - Speed Controlled Volume
SDARS - Satellite Digital Audio Radio System
SDL - Serial Data Link
SDM - Sensing and Diagnostic Module
SDRS - Satellite Digital Receiver System
SDS - Satellite Discriminating Sensor; Shock Dampening System
SDV - Spark Delay Valve
SEFI - Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection
SEMA - Specialty Equipment Market Association
SEO - Special Equipment Option
SES - Service Engine Soon
SFI - Sequential (multiport) Fuel Injection
SGCM - Starter/Generator Control Module
SHO - Super High Output
SI - System International
SIAB - Side Impact Air Bag
SIACM - Side Impact Air Bag Control Module
SIG RTN - Signal Return
SIL - Shift Indicator Lamp
SIR - Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
SIS - Side Impact Sensor
SKIM - Sentry Key Imobilizer Module
SLA - Short/Long Arm suspension
SLS - Self leveling suspension
SMCC - Stepper Motor Cruise Control
SMEC - Single Module Engine Controller
SMG - Sequential Manual Gearbox
SMPI - Sequential Multi-Port Injection
SNSR - Sensor
SO2 - Sulphur Dioxide
SOC - State Of Charge
SOD - Side Object Detection
SOH - State of Health
SOHC - Single Overhead Camshaft
SOL - Solenoid
SP - Splice Pack
SPD - Speed
SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
SPL - Smoke Puff Limiter
SPO - Service Parts Operations
SPOUT - Spark Output
SPS - Service Programming System; Speed Signal
SRC - Selective Ride Control
SRG - Solar-Reflective Glass
SRI - Service Reminder Indicator
SRPP - Self-reinforced PolyPropylene
SRS - Supplemental Restraint System
SRW - Single Rear Wheel
SS - Shift Solenoid; Speed Signal; Super Sport
SSM - Suspension Steering Module
SSS - Speed Sensitive Steering
SSV - Shift Solenoid Valve
ST - Scan Tool; Short Term (Fuel Trim)
STAR - Self Test Automatic Readout (tester); Stolen Auto Recovery System
STC - Snap To Connect; Step Timing Control
STDBY - Standby
STI - Self Test Input
STID - Station Identification
STL - Service Transmission Lamp
STO - Self Test Output
STS - Service Technicians Society
SULEV - Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
SUV - Sport Utility Vehicle
SVO - Straight Vegetable Oil
SVS - Service Vehicle Soon
SVT - Special Vehicle Team
SW - Switch
SWB - Short WheelBase
SWC - Steering Wheel Controls
SWPS - Steering Wheel Position Sensor
SWS - SideWall tension Sensor
SXR - Send and Receive
SYN - Synchronize
SYS - System