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S/P  -  Series/Parallel
S/W  -  Software
S4WD  -  Selectable Four Wheel Drive
SAE  -  Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF  -  Stabilized Aluminum Foam
SAS  -  Side Auxiliary Sensor
SATC  -  Semi-Auto Temperature Control module
SAVDAS  -  Stand-Alone Vehicle Data Aquisition System
SAW  -  Spark Angle Word
SB  -  Short Box; Short Bed; Short Block;  Small Block
SBDS  -  Service Bay Diagnostic System
SBEC  -  Single Board Engine Controller (replaced with PCM)
SBM  -  Standard Body Module
SBS  -  Supercharger Bypass Solenoid
SBT  -  Serial Bus Traveller
SC  -  Supercharger
SCA  -  Supplemental Coolant Additive
SCB  -  Supercharger Bypass
SCCA  -  Sports Car Club of America
SCI  -  Serial Communications Interface
SCIL  -  Steering Column/Instrument panel Lighting
SCM  -  Seat Control Module
SCP  -  Standard Corporate Protocol
SCS  -  Side Crash Sensor
SCTM  -  Seatbelt Timer Control Module
SCV  -  Speed Controlled Volume
SDARS  -  Satellite Digital Audio Radio System
SDL  -  Serial Data Link
SDM  -  Sensing and Diagnostic Module
SDRS  -  Satellite Digital Receiver System
SDS  -  Satellite Discriminating Sensor;  Shock Dampening System
SDV  -  Spark Delay Valve
SEFI  -  Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection
SEMA  -  Specialty Equipment Market Association
SEO  -  Special Equipment Option
SES  -  Service Engine Soon
SFI  -  Sequential (multiport) Fuel Injection
SGCM  -  Starter/Generator Control Module
SHO  -  Super High Output
SI  -  System International
SIAB  -  Side Impact Air Bag
SIACM  -  Side Impact Air Bag Control Module
SIG RTN  -  Signal Return
SIL  -  Shift Indicator Lamp
SIR  -  Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
SIS  -  Side Impact Sensor
SKIM  -  Sentry Key Imobilizer Module
SLA   - Short/Long Arm suspension
SLS  -  Self leveling suspension
SMCC  -  Stepper Motor Cruise Control
SMEC  -  Single Module Engine Controller
SMG  -  Sequential Manual Gearbox
SMPI  -  Sequential Multi-Port Injection
SNSR  -  Sensor
SO2  -  Sulphur Dioxide
SOC  -  State Of Charge
SOD  -  Side Object Detection
SOH  -  State of Health
SOHC  -  Single Overhead Camshaft
SOL  -  Solenoid
SP  -  Splice Pack
SPD  -  Speed
SPI  -  Serial Peripheral Interface
SPL  -  Smoke Puff Limiter
SPO  -  Service Parts Operations
SPOUT  -  Spark Output
SPS  -  Service Programming System;  Speed Signal
SRC  -  Selective Ride Control
SRG  -  Solar-Reflective Glass
SRI  -  Service Reminder Indicator
SRPP  -  Self-reinforced PolyPropylene
SRS  -  Supplemental Restraint System
SRW  -  Single Rear Wheel
SS  -  Shift Solenoid;  Speed Signal;  Super Sport
SSM  -  Suspension Steering Module
SSS  -  Speed Sensitive Steering
SSV  -  Shift Solenoid Valve
ST  -  Scan Tool;  Short Term (Fuel Trim)
STAR  -  Self Test Automatic Readout (tester);  Stolen Auto Recovery System
STC  -  Snap To Connect;  Step Timing Control
STDBY  -  Standby
STI  -  Self Test Input
STID  -  Station Identification
STL  -  Service Transmission Lamp
STO  -  Self Test Output
STS  -  Service Technicians Society
SULEV  -  Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
SUV  -  Sport Utility Vehicle
SVO  -  Straight Vegetable Oil
SVS  -  Service Vehicle Soon
SVT  -  Special Vehicle Team
SW  -  Switch
SWB  -  Short WheelBase
SWC  -  Steering Wheel Controls
SWPS  -  Steering Wheel Position Sensor
SWS  -  SideWall tension Sensor
SXR  -  Send and Receive
SYN  -  Synchronize
SYS  -  System

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |  0-9
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations.  These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general.  This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here.  Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.

Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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