F4WD - Full Time Four Wheel Drive
FABS - Flexible Auto Body System
FAF - Fan Air Flow
FANDC - Variable Speed Fan Duty Cycle %
FANVARF - Variable Speed Fan Output Fault
FBC - Feedback Carburetor
FC - Fan Control; Friction Curve
FCM - Front Control module
FCP - Fuel Cell Partnership
FCU - Front Control Unit
FCV - Fuel Cell Vehicle
FDBK - Feedback
FDC - Fuel Data Center
FEAD - Front End Accessory Drive (belt)
FED - Federal (except California)
FEDS - Flexible Engine Diagnostic System; Fuel Enable Data Stream
FEIC - Fuel Economy Integrated Counter
FET - Field Effect Transistor
FEX - Front Exchanger
FF - Front-engine front-wheel drive; Flexible Fuel
FFCRS - Front-Facing Child Restraint System
FFFP - Fuel-Flexible Fuel Processor
FFH - Fuel Fired Heater
FFS - Fine-blanking and Finishing System; Flexible Fuel Sensor
FFV - Flexible Fuel Vehicle
FFWS - Fuel Filter Water Separator
FI - Fuel Injection
FICM - Fuel Injector Control Module
FIDO - Flame Ionization Detector Optimization
FIM - Fuel Indicator Module
FIPL - Fuel Injection Pump Lever
FIPT - Fuel Inlet Pressure Test
FL - Front Left
FLI - Fuel Level Indicator Input percent
FLI V - Fuel Level Indicator Input VOLTS
FLO - Fast Light-Off
FLR - Floor
FLVV - Fill Limit Vent Valve
FM - Frequency Modulation
FMEM - Failure Mode Effects Management
FMVSS - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
FP - Fuel Pump
FPCM - Fuel injection Pump Control Module
FPDM - Fuel Pump Driver Module
FPF - Fuel Pump Output Fault
FPI - Fins Per Inch
FPM - Fuel Pump Monitor
FPR - Fuel Pump Regulator
FPRC - Fuel Pressure Regulator Circuit
FPS - Fast Pass Standard
FPSM - Fuel Pump Secondary Monitor
FPV - Ford Performance Vehicles
FR - Front-engine, Rear-wheel drive; Front Right
FRACAS - Failure Reporting And Corrective Action System
FRC - Forced
FREQ - Frequency
FRNT - Front
FRP - Fuel Rail Pressure
FRS - Face Recognition System
FRV - First Response Vehicle
FSA - Field Service Action
FSDI - Four-Stroke, Direct Injection
FSI - Fuel Straight Injection
FSS - Forward Sensing System
FSVF - Fuel Solenoid Valve Fault
FSVM - Fuel Solenoid Valve Secondary Monitor
FT - Fuel Trim
FTP - Federal Test Procedure; Fuel Tank Pressure
FTPT - Fuel Tank Pressure Transducer
FUDC - Federal Urban Driving Cycle
FUELPW1 - Injector Pulse Width Bank 1
FUELPW2 - Injector Pulse Width Bank 2
FW - Flat Wire
FWD - Forward; Front Wheel Drive