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F4WD  -  Full Time Four Wheel Drive
FABS  -  Flexible Auto Body System
FAF  -  Fan Air Flow
FANDC  -  Variable Speed Fan Duty Cycle %
FANVARF  -  Variable Speed Fan Output Fault
FBC  -  Feedback Carburetor
FC  -  Fan Control;  Friction Curve
FCM  -  Front Control module
FCP  -  Fuel Cell Partnership
FCU  -  Front Control Unit
FCV  -  Fuel Cell Vehicle
FDBK  -  Feedback
FDC  -  Fuel Data Center
FEAD  -  Front End Accessory Drive (belt)
FED  -  Federal (except California)
FEDS  -  Flexible Engine Diagnostic System;  Fuel Enable Data Stream
FEIC  -  Fuel Economy Integrated Counter
FET  -  Field Effect Transistor
FEX  -  Front Exchanger
FF  -  Front-engine front-wheel drive;  Flexible Fuel
FFCRS  -  Front-Facing Child Restraint System
FFFP  -  Fuel-Flexible Fuel Processor
FFH  -  Fuel Fired Heater
FFS  -  Fine-blanking and Finishing System;  Flexible Fuel Sensor
FFV  -  Flexible Fuel Vehicle
FFWS  -  Fuel Filter Water Separator
FI  -  Fuel Injection
FICM  -  Fuel Injector Control Module
FIDO  -  Flame Ionization Detector Optimization
FIM  -  Fuel Indicator Module
FIPL  -  Fuel Injection Pump Lever
FIPT  -  Fuel Inlet Pressure Test
FL  -  Front Left
FLI  -  Fuel Level Indicator Input percent
FLI V  -  Fuel Level Indicator Input VOLTS
FLO  -  Fast Light-Off
FLR  -  Floor
FLVV  -  Fill Limit Vent Valve
FM  -  Frequency Modulation
FMEM  -  Failure Mode Effects Management
FMVSS  -  Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
FP  -  Fuel Pump
FPCM  -  Fuel injection Pump Control Module
FPDM  -  Fuel Pump Driver Module
FPF  -  Fuel Pump Output Fault
FPI  -  Fins Per Inch
FPM  -  Fuel Pump Monitor
FPR  -  Fuel Pump Regulator
FPRC  -  Fuel Pressure Regulator Circuit
FPS  -  Fast Pass Standard
FPSM  -  Fuel Pump Secondary Monitor
FPV  -  Ford Performance Vehicles
FR  -  Front-engine, Rear-wheel drive;  Front Right
FRACAS  -  Failure Reporting And Corrective Action System
FRC  -  Forced
FREQ  -  Frequency
FRNT  -  Front
FRP  -  Fuel Rail Pressure
FRS  -  Face Recognition System
FRV  -  First Response Vehicle
FSA  -  Field Service Action
FSDI  -  Four-Stroke, Direct Injection
FSI  -  Fuel Straight Injection
FSS  -  Forward Sensing System
FSVF  -  Fuel Solenoid Valve Fault
FSVM  -  Fuel Solenoid Valve Secondary Monitor
FT  -  Fuel Trim
FTP  -  Federal Test Procedure;  Fuel Tank Pressure
FTPT  -  Fuel Tank Pressure Transducer
FUDC  -  Federal Urban Driving Cycle
FUELPW1  -  Injector Pulse Width Bank 1
FUELPW2  -  Injector Pulse Width Bank 2
FW  -  Flat Wire
FWD  -  Forward;  Front Wheel Drive

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |  0-9
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations.  These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general.  This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here.  Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.

Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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