DAB - Delayed Accessory Bus; Driver Airbag
DART - Diagnostic And Reprogramming Tool
dB - Decibels
dBA - decibels on A-weighted scale
DBB - Dual Bed Bead
DBM - Dual Bed Monolith
DC - Direct Current; Duty Cycle
DCCSM - Dual Climate Controlled Seat Module
DCM - Door Control Module
DDM - Driver's Door Module
DDS - Deflection Detection System; Driver's Door Switch
DE - Drive End
DEC - Decrement; Digital Electronic Controller
DERM - Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module
DES - Desired
DFCO - Deceleration Fuel Cut-Off
DFI - Direct Fuel Injection
DGI - Direct Gasoline Injection
DI - Distributor Ignition
DIC - Driver Information Center
DIFF - Differential
DIM - Dashboard Integration Module
DIS - Direct (aka Distributorless) Ignition System; Disable
DISC - Disconnect
DISI - Direct Injection, Spark Ignition
DIST - Distributor
DIY - Do It Yourself
DLC - Data Link Connector; Diamond Logic Computer
DMCM - Driver Motor Control Module
DMM - Digital MultiMeter
DMSD - Drive Motor Speed and Direction
DNR - Dolby Noise Reduction
DOHC - Double Overhead Cam
DOL - Data Output Line
DPFE - Differential Pressure Feedback EGR
DPI - Dual Plug Inhibit
DRB - Diagnostic Readout Box
DRF - Deactivating Roller Follower
DRL - Daytime Running Lamps
DRR - Digital Radio Receiver
DRW - Dual Rear Wheel
DSCC - Distance Sensing Cruise Control
DSDA - Dual Stage Driver Airbag
DSG - Direct Shift Gearbox
DSI - Dual Stage Inflator
DSM - Driver's Seat module
DSO - Digital Storage Oscilloscope
DSP - Digital Signal Process
DSPA - Dual Stage Passenger Airbag
DSS - Downshift Solenoid
DSST - Dunlop Self Supporting Tire
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTM - Diagnostic Test Mode
DTR - Digital Transmission Range
DTT - Diesel Transmission Technologies
DVOM - Digital Volt-Ohmmeter