TAB - Thermactor Air Bypass
TAC - Throttle Actuator Control
TACH - Tachometer
TACM - Throttle Actuator Control Module
TAD - Thermactor Air Divert
TAP - Transmission Adaptive Pressure
TAS - Trap Alert System
TB - Throttle Body
TBC - Truck Body Controller (or Computer)
TBI - Throttle Body Fuel Injection
TC - Transmission Control; Turbocharger
TCC - Torque Converter Clutch
TCCS - Toyota Computer Controlled System
TCIL - Transmission Control Indicator Lamp
TCM - Transmission Control Module
TCS - Traction Control System; Transmission Control Switch
TDC - Top Dead Center
TDI - Toyota Direct Ignition
TED - Thermo Electric Device
TELE - Telescope
TEMP - Temperature
TFI - Thick Film Integrated
TFP - Transmission Fluid Pressure
TFT - Transmission Fluid Temperature
TGS - Top Gear Switch
THEMIS - Thermal Management Intelligent System
THM - Turbo Hydra-Matic
THS - Transmission Hydraulic Switch
TID - Test Identification
TIIS - Thermal Imaging Inspection Station
TIM - Tire Inflation Module; Tire Inflation Monitor
TIS - Techline Information System
TOC - Transmission Oil Cooler
TORQ - Torque
TOT - Transmission Oil Temperature
TP - Throttle Position
TPA - Terminal Positive Assurance
TPI - Tuned Port Injection
TPM - Tire Pressure Monitor
TPS - Throttle Position Sensor
TR - Transmission Range
T-RAC - Trailer Rotating Air Chamber
TRANS - Transmission/Transaxle
TRDU - Trailer Remote Diagnostic Unit
TRS - Transmission Range Sensor
TSA - Thorax Side Airbag
TSB - Technical Service Bulletin
TSI - Two Speed Idle
TSS - Transmission Speed Sensor; Turbine Shaft Speed
TT - Telltale Lamp
TTM - Tilt and Telescope Module
TTS - Transmission Temperature Switch
TV - Television; Throttle Valve
TVAM - Televison Antenna Module
TVR - Turbine Vane Regulator
TVRS - Television and Radio Suppression
TVS - Thermal Vacuum Switch
TVV - Thermal Vacuum Valve
TWC - Three Way Catalyst
TWC+OC - Three Way Catalyst + Oxidation Catalyst
TXV - Thermal Expansion Valve