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M/T  -  Manual Transmission/Transaxle
MAF  -  Mass Air Flow
MALF  -  Malfunction
MALL  -  Multifunction Alarm Lighting and Locking
MAN  -  Manufacturer
MAP  -  Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAT  -  Manifold Air Temperature
MC  -  Measuring Core;  Mixture Control
MCM  -  Message Center Module
MCU  -  Microprocessor Control Unit
MD  -  Mini Disc;  Modulated Displacement
MDP  -  Manifold Differential Pressure
MDS  -  Mopar Diagnostic System
MDX  -  Mini Disc Changer
MECS  -  Mazda Electronic Control System
MED  -  Medium
MEM  -  Memory
MEMCAL  -  Memory Calibration
MFC  -  Medium Speed Fan Control ON/OFF
MFCF  -  Medium Speed Fan Control Fault YES/NO
MFI  -  Multiport Fuel Injection
MGMT  -  Management
MIC  -  Mechanical Instrument Cluster
MID  -  Midrange;  Monitor Identification
MIL  -  Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MIN  -  Minimum;  Minute;  Mobile Identification Number
MIP  -  Mixer Inlet Pressure
ML  -  Manual Longitudinal
MLP(s)  -  Manual Lever Position (sensor)
MM  -  Mille Miglia;  Millimeter
MM3  -  Cubic Millimeter(s)
MMC  -  Manifold Mounted Converter
MMHG  -  Millimeters of Mercury
MMM  -  Memory Mirror Module
MMT  -  Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl
MOD  -  Module
MON  -  Monitor
MPa  -  Megapascal
MPFI  -  Multiport Fuel Injection
MPG  -  Miles per gallon
MPH  -  Miles Per Hour
MS  -  Millisecond
MSFF  -  Miles Since First Fail
MSLF  -  Miles Since Last Fail
MSM  -  Memory Seat Module
MSO  -  Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
MSRP  -  Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price
MST  -  Manifold Surface Temperature
MSVA  -  Magnetic Steering Variable Assist
MTBE  -  Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTBF  -  Mean Time Between Failures
MTV  -  Manifold Tuning Valve
MV  -  Megavolt
MVLPS  -  Manual Valve Lever Position Sensor
MVSA  -  Motor Vehicle Safety Act
MVSS  -  Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
MY  -  Model Year

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |  0-9
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations.  These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general.  This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here.  Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.

Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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