M/T - Manual Transmission/Transaxle
MAF - Mass Air Flow
MALF - Malfunction
MALL - Multifunction Alarm Lighting and Locking
MAN - Manufacturer
MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAT - Manifold Air Temperature
MC - Measuring Core; Mixture Control
MCM - Message Center Module
MCU - Microprocessor Control Unit
MD - Mini Disc; Modulated Displacement
MDP - Manifold Differential Pressure
MDS - Mopar Diagnostic System
MDX - Mini Disc Changer
MECS - Mazda Electronic Control System
MED - Medium
MEM - Memory
MEMCAL - Memory Calibration
MFC - Medium Speed Fan Control ON/OFF
MFCF - Medium Speed Fan Control Fault YES/NO
MFI - Multiport Fuel Injection
MGMT - Management
MIC - Mechanical Instrument Cluster
MID - Midrange; Monitor Identification
MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MIN - Minimum; Minute; Mobile Identification Number
MIP - Mixer Inlet Pressure
ML - Manual Longitudinal
MLP(s) - Manual Lever Position (sensor)
MM - Mille Miglia; Millimeter
MM3 - Cubic Millimeter(s)
MMC - Manifold Mounted Converter
MMHG - Millimeters of Mercury
MMM - Memory Mirror Module
MMT - Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl
MOD - Module
MON - Monitor
MPa - Megapascal
MPFI - Multiport Fuel Injection
MPG - Miles per gallon
MPH - Miles Per Hour
MS - Millisecond
MSFF - Miles Since First Fail
MSLF - Miles Since Last Fail
MSM - Memory Seat Module
MSO - Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
MSRP - Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price
MST - Manifold Surface Temperature
MSVA - Magnetic Steering Variable Assist
MTBE - Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures
MTV - Manifold Tuning Valve
MV - Megavolt
MVLPS - Manual Valve Lever Position Sensor
MVSA - Motor Vehicle Safety Act
MVSS - Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
MY - Model Year