A - Amperes
A/C - Air Conditioning
A/D - Analog to Digital
A/F - Air Fuel Ratio
A/T - Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
A-6 - Axial 6 cylinder A/C compressor
AALA - American Automobile Labelling Act
AAT - Ambient Air Temperature
ABARS - Automobile Backward Automatic Ranging System
ABC - Active Body Control
ABS - Antilock Brake System
AC - Alternating Current
ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control; Air Conditioning Clutch; Automatic Climate Control
ACCEL - Acceleration
ACCS - Air Conditioning Cycling Switch
ACCUM - Accumulator
ACCY - Accessory
ACD - Air Conditioning Demand
ACE - Active Cornering Enhancement
ACL - Air cleaner
ACM - Airbag Control Module; Audio Control Module
ACON - Air Conditioning On
ACP - Air Conditioning Pressure
ACR4 - Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging
ACT - Actual; Air Charge Temperature
ACTV - Activate
ACV - Actual Cash Value; (thermactor) Air Control Valve
AD - Accomodated Device
ADAPT - Adaptive
ADAPTS - Adapters
ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance System
ADBV - Anti Drainback Valve
ADC - Automatic Distance Control
ADG - Accomodated Device Gateway
ADJ - Adjust
ADL - Automatic Door Lock
ADS - Auxilliary Discriminating Sensor
ADU - Analog-Digital Unit
AECM - Airbag Electronic Control Module
AFC - Air Flow Control
AFCD - Advanced Frontal Crash Dummy
AFCM - Alternate Fuel Control Module
AFECM - Alternate Fuel Engine Control Module
AFO - Alternate Fuel Operation
AFR - Air Fuel Ratio
AFT - After
AGSP - Auxilliary Gauge Switch Pack
AGVS - Automated Guided Vehicle System
AHLD - Automatic Headlamp Levelling Device
AHR - Active Head Restraint
AHRS - Amp Hours
AHS - Active Handling System
AIM - Automotive Interior Material
AIR - Air Injection Reaction
AIRB - Secondary Air Injection Bypass
AIRD - Secondary Air Injection Diverter
AIRM - Secondary AIR Pump Monitor
AIS - Automatic Idle Speed
ALC - Automatic Lamp Control; Automatic Level Control
ALCL - Assembly Line Communications Link
ALDL - Assembly Line Data Link
ALM - Adaptive Learn Matrix
ALR - Automatic Locking Retractor
ALT - Alternative; Alternator
AM - Amplitude Modulation
AMB - Ambient
AMM - Air Mass Meter
AMP - Amplifier
AMPS - Amperes or Amperage
AMS - Automatic Music Search
AMT - Automated Manual Transmission
AOD - Automatic Overdrive
AODE - Automatic Overdrive Electronic (transmission)
AODE-W - Automatic Overdrive Electronic - Wide ratio (transmission)
AOS - Automatic Occupant Sensing
AP - Accelerator Pedal
APADS - Air Conditioning Protection and Diagnostic System
APC - Automatic Performance Control
APCM - Accessory (or Auxilliary) Power Control Module
APECS - Advanced Proportional Engine Control System
API - American Petroleum Institute
APO - Accessory Power Outlets
APP - Accelerator Pedal Position
APR - Annual Percentage Rate
APT - Adjustable part Throttle
ARC - Active Roll Control; Automatic Ride Control
ARS - Adaptive Receptive System; Automatic Restraint System
ARTHUR - Automatic Radio system for Traffic situations on Highways and Urban Roads
ASA - Air Signal Attenuator; Automatic Slack Adjuster
ASARC - Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control
ASC - Anti Stall Control
ASD - Automatic Shutdown
ASG - Automatic-Shift Gearbox
ASM - Acceleration Simulation Mode; Accelerator and Servo control Module; Air Solenoid Module;
Alarm Siren Module;
ASR - Acceleration Slip Regulation
ASSYST - Active Service System
ASTC - Automatic Stability and Traction Control
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
ATC - Automatic Temperature Control
ATDC - After Top Dead Center
ATF - Active Transfer Case; Automatic Transfer Case; Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATM - Actuator Test Mode
AT-PZEV - Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicle
ATSLC - Automatic Transmission Shift Lock Control
ATTS - Automatic Torque Transfer System; Advanced Torque Transfer System
ATX - Automatic Transaxle
AWD - All Wheel Drive
AWG - American Wire Gauge
AXOD - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle
AXOD-E - Automatic Overdrive Transaxle - Electronically Controlled
AYC - Active Yaw Control