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C3I  -  Computer Controlled Coil Ignition
CAA  -  Canadian Automobile Association;  Clean Air Act
CAB  -  Controller, Antilock Brake
CAC  -  Charge Air Cooler
CAFC  -  Company Average Fuel Consumption (Canada)
CAFE  -  Corporate Average Fuel Economy (USA)
CAL  -  Calibration
CALC  -  Calculated
CALF  -  California
CALID  -  Calibration Identification
CAMM  -  Computer Aided Manufacturing Measurement
CAMS  -  Computerized Automotive Maintenance System
CAN  -  Controlled Area Network
CANP  -  Canister Purge (solenoid)
CARB  -  California Air Resources Board
CARS  -  Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Council
CAS GND  -  PCM Case Ground
CASE  -  Cranking Angle Sensing Error
CASS  -  Cassette
CATS  -  Computer Aided Test Suite
CC  -  Climate Control;  Coast Clutch;  Cruise Control;  Cubic Centimeters
CCC  -  Computer Command Control
CCCD  -  Catalytic Converter Cool-Down
CCD  -  Chrysler Collision Detection;  Computer Controlled Dwell
CCDIC  -  Climate Control Driver Information Center
CCFL  -  Cold-Cathode Flourescent Lamp
CCM  -  Central Control Module;  Chassis Control Module;  Comprehensive Component Monitor;  Convenience
             Charge module
CCO  -  Converter Clutch Override
CCOT  -  Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube
CCP  -  Climate Control Panel;  Controlled Canister Purge
CCRM  -  Constant Control Relay Module
CCS  -  Climate Controlled Seat;  Coast Clutch Solenoid
CCSM  -  Climate Controlled Seat Module
CCV  -  Crankcase ventilation
CCW  -  Counter ClockWise
CD  -  Compact Disc
CDA  -  Cylinder De-Activation
CDL  -  Commercial Driver's License
CDR  -  Chrysler Diagnostic Readout;  Crash Data Retrieval
CDRV  -  Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve
CDX  -  Compact Disc Changer
CE  -  Commutator End
CEAB  -  Cold Engine Air Bleed
CEL  -  Check Engine Lamp
CEMF  -  Counter Electromotive Force
CEMS  -  Carbureted Engine Management System;  Catalyst Efficiency Management System
CEX  -  Cabin Exchanger
CFI  -  Central Fuel Injection;  Continuous Fueld Injection;  Cross Fire Injection
CFM  -  Cubic Feet per Minute
CG  -  Center of Gravity
CHMSL  -  Center High Mounted Stop Lamp
CID  -  Component Identification;  Cubic Inch Displacement;  Cylinder Identification
CJC  -  Collision Judgement Coefficient
CKP  -  Crankshaft Position
CKT  -  Circuit
CL  -  Closed Loop
CLC  -  Converter Lockup Clutch
CLCC  -  Closed Loop Carburetor Control
CLNT  -  Coolant
CLS  -  Coolant Level Switch
CLTBI  -  Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection
CLYC  -  Closed Loop Yaw Control
CMC  -  Compressor Motor Controller
CMD  -  Command
CMDD  -  Commanded
CMFI  -  Central Multi-port Fuel Injection
CMP  -  Camshaft Position
CMVSS  -  Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
CNG  -  Compressed Natural Gas
CO  -  Carbon Monoxide
CO2  -  Carbon Dioxide
COBDIMR  -  Customer On Board Diagnostics Inspection/Maintenance Readiness
COMBATT  -  Commercially Based Tactical Truck
COMBO  -  Combination
COMDC  -  Commanded Duty Cycle
COMM  -  Communication
COND  -  Condition
CONST  -  Constant
COP  -  Coil On Plug;  Computer Operating Properly
CP  -  Canister Purge
CPA  -  Connector Position Assurance
CPC  -  Camshaft Position Control
CPI  -  Central Port Fuel Injection
CPL  -  Control Parts List
CPM  -  Cellular Phone Module
CPO  -  Certified Pre-Owned
CPP  -  Clutch Pedal Position
CPS  -  Cam Profile Switching;  Center Panel Switches;  Central Power Supply;  Childseat Positioning Sensor
CPU  -  Central Processing Unit
CRR  -  Cool Running Rotor
CRT  -  Cathode Ray Tube
CRTC  -  Cathode Ray Tube Controller
CRTS  -  Continuously Regenerating Trap System
CS  -  Charging System
CSC  -  Commercial Stripped Chassis
CSE GND  -  PCM Case Ground
CSFI  -  Central Sequential Fuel Injection
CSI  -  Compression Sense Ignition
CSM  -  Central Security Module
cSt  -  Centistokes
CSTO  -  Compression Sense Time-Out
CTD  -  Content Theft Deterent
CTM  -  Central Timer Module
CTOX  -  Continuous Trap Oxidizer
CTP  -  Closed Throttle Position (switch)
CTS  -  Coolant Temperature Sensor
CV  -  Constant Velocity
CVN  -  Calibration Verification Number
CVRSS  -  Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspenion
CVRTD  -  Continuously Variable Real Time Damping
CVS  -  Canister Vent Solenoid
CVT  -  Continuously Variable Transmission, Transaxle
CWS  -  Continental Wheel System
CZS  -  Crash Zone Sensor

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |  0-9
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations.  These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general.  This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here.  Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.

Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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