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H  -  Hydrogen
H/CMPR  -  High Compression
H2DI  -  Hydrogen Direct Injection
H2O  -  Water
HAST  -  High Accelerated Stress Test
HBA  -  Hydraulic Brake Assist
HBU  -  Hub Bearing Unit
HC  -  Hydrocarbons
HCCI  -  Homogeneous Charge, Compression Ignition
HCM  -  Heating Control Module;  Hybrid Control Module
HCU  -  Hydraulic Control Unit
HCV  -  Heavy Commercial Vehicle
HD  -  Heavy Duty
HDC  -  Heavy Duty Cooling
HDGV  -  Heavy Duty Gasoline-fueled Vehicle
HDR  -  High Data Rate
HD-UDDS  -  Heavy Duty Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule
HEC  -  Hybrid Electronic Cluster
HEDF  -  High Speed Electro Drive Fan (relay or circuit)
HEGO  -  Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (sensor)
HEGOG  -  HEGO Ground (circuit)
HEPS  -  Hydraulic Electric Power Steering
HEUI  -  Hydraulic-actuated Electronically-controlled Unit Injector
HEV  -  Hybrid Electric Vehicle
HFC  -  High Fan Control;  Hydraulic Fading Compensation
HFCF  -  High Speed Fan Control Fault
HFM  -  Hot Film Meter
HFP  -  High Fuel Pump
Hg  -  Mercury
HI ALT -  Hi Altitude
HID  -  High Intensity Discharge
HIS  -  Horizontal Impact Sensor
HIST  -  History
HLDT  -  Heavy Light-Duty Truck
HLOS  -  Hardware Limited Operating Strategy
HO  -  High Output
HO2S  -  Heated Oxygen Sensor
HP  -  Horsepower
HPDI  -  High Pressure Direct Injection
HPL  -  High Pressure Liquid
HPP  -  High Pressure Pump
HPS  -  Head Protection System;  High Performance System
HPV  -  High Pressure Vapour
HPVS  -  Heat Pump Ventilation System
HRC  -  Headlamp Range Control
HSA  -  Head Side Airbag
HSC  -  High Swirl Combustion
HSCDS  -  High-Sensitivity Collision Detection System
HSDI  -  High-Speed Direct Injection
HSE  -  High-Speed Enrichment
HSEA  -  High Solar Energy Absorbing (glass)
HTCM  -  Heating-ventilation-air-conditioning Thermal Control Module
HTR11  -  Bank 1 Upstream 02S Heater Control
HTR11F  -  Bank 1 Upstream 02S Heater Circuit Fault
HTR12  -  Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Control
HTR12F -  Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Circuit Fault
HTR21  -  Bank 2 Upstream O2S Heater Control
HTR21F  -  Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Circuit Fault
HTR22  -  Bank 2 Downstream 02S Heater Control
HTR22F  -  Bank 1 Downstream O2S Heater Circuit Fault
HTRX1  -  02S Upstream Heater Control
HTRX2  -  O2S Downstream Heater Control
HUD  -  Heads Up Display;  Heads Up Display
HVAC  -  Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning
HVACM  -  Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module
HVI  -  High Viscosity Index
HVIL  -  High Voltage Interlock Loop
HVM  -  Heater Vent Mondule
HW  -  Heated Windshield
HWFET  -  Highway Fuel Economy Test
HYPAS  -  Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering
Hz  -  Hertz

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |  0-9
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations.  These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general.  This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here.  Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.

Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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