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B+ - Battery positive (voltage)
BARO - Barometric (pressure)
BAS - Brake Apply Sensor
BATT - Battery
BB - Big Block
BBV - Brake Booster Vacuum
BCA - Bias Control Assembly
BCM - Body Control Module
BECU - Body Electronic Control Unit
BFC - Body Function Controller
BHP - Brake Horsepower
BLM - Block Learn Multiplier
B-LVL - Bi-Level
BLW - Brake Lining Wear
BMAP - Barometric and Manifold Absolute Pressure
BN - Bank
BOB - Break-Out Box
BOO - Brake On/Off
BP - Back Pressure
BPA - Bypass Air
BPCM - Battery Pack Control Module
BPMV - Brake Pressure Modulator Valve
BPP - Brake Pedal Position
BPW - Base Pulse Width
BSFC - Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
BSW - Black Sidewalls
BTCM - Brake Torque Control Module
BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
BTM - Battery Thermal Module
BTSI - Brake Transmission Shift Interlock
BTU - British thermal units
BV - Battery Voltage
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations. These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general. This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here. Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.
Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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