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I/M  -  Inspection Maintenance
I/O  -  In/Out
I/P  -  Instrument Panel
IA  -  Intake Air
IABM  -  Integrated AirBag Module
IAC  -  Idle Air Control
IAFM  -  Integrated Air Fuel Module
IAFS  -  Integrated Air Fuel System
IAT  -  Intake Air Temperature
IATN  -  International Automotive Technicians Network
IBOB  -  Intelligent BreakOut Box
IC  -  Ignition Control;  Integrated Circuit
ICA  -  Injector Cam Actuation
ICC  -  Intelligent Cruise Control
ICCS  -  Integrated Chassis Control System
ICDX  -  Integrated Compact Disc Changer
ICE  -  Internal Combustion Engine
ICM  -  Ignition Control Module
ICP  -  Injection Control Pressure
ICS  -  Integrated Chassis System
ICWS  -  Intersection Collision Warning System
ID  -  Identification;  Inside Diameter
IDI  -  Integrated Direct Ignition
IDIS  -  International Dismantling Information System
IDM  -  Ignition Diagnostic Module;  Injector Driver Module
IDS  -  Integrated Diagnostic Software
IEDIS  -  Integrated Electronic Distributorless Ignition System
IFES  -  Integrated Front End System
IFI  -  Indirect Diesel Injection
IFS  -  Inertia Fuel Shutoff
IFSM  -  Integrated Fuel System Module
IGN  -  Ignition
IHRA  -  International Hot Rod Association
IIHS  -  Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
ILC  -  Idle Load Compensator
ILEV  -  Inherently Low Emission Vehicle
ILLUM  -  Illumination
IMA  -  Integrated Motor Assist
IMDX  -  Integrated Mini Disc Changer
IMLUT  -  Inspection/Maintenance Look-Up Table
IMMO  -  Immobilizer
IMPR  -  In-use Monitor Performance Ratio
IMRC  -  Intake Manifold Runner Control
IMRC F  -  Intake Manifold Runner Control Fault
IMRCM  -  Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor Input Bank 1
IMRCM2  -  Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor Input Bank 2
IMS  -  Inductive Magnetic Saturation;  Instant Mobility System
IMSC  -  Intake Manifold Swirl Control
IMSC F  -  Intake Manifold Swirl Control Fault
IMT  -  Intake Manifold Tuning
IMTD  -  Intake Manifold Temperature Differential
IMTV  -  Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control %
IMTVF  -  Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Fault
IN  -  Inch(es)
INADV  -  Inadvertant
INC  -  Increment
INCA  -  In-Car Aquisition
INCAND  -  Incandescent
INFL  -  Inflatable
INIT  -  Initial
INJ  -  Injection;  Injector
INJ1F-8F  -  Fuel Injector Primary Fault Cylinders 1 thru 8
INJ9F-lOF  -  Fuel Injector Primary Fault Cylinders 9 and 10
INP  -  Input
INST  -  Instant
INT  -  Integrator;  Interior
IOC  -  Instant Oil Change
IPC  -  Instrument Panel Cluster
IPEC  -  Instrument Panel Electrical Center
IRL  -  Indy Racing League (aka IndyCar)
IPM  -  Instrument Panel Module;  Integrated Power Module
IPR  -  Injector Pressure Regulator
IRDS  -  Independant Rear Drive Suspension
IRQ  -  Interrupt Request
IRS  -  Independant Rear Suspension
ISA  -  Integrated Starter-Alternator
ISAD  -  Integrated Starter Alternator Damper
ISB  -  Interact System B
ISC  -  Idle Speed Control
ISG  -  Integrated Starter-Generator
ISI  -  Ion Sensing Ignition
ISO  -  Interior Systems Optimization;  International Standards Organization;  Isolation
ISS  -  Input Shaft Speed
ITARDA  -  Institute for Traffic Acccident Research and Data Analysis
ITS  -  Idle Tracking Switch
ITTB  -  Idle Time To Boil
ITTR  -  Inflatable Tubular Torso Restraint
IVC  -  Integral Vapour Canister
IVCS  -  Integrated Vehicle Control System
IVI  -  Intelligent Vehicle Initiative
IVIS  -  In Vehicle Information System
IVS  -  Idle Validation Switch
IVSC  -  Integrated Vehicle Speed Control
IWC  -  Inertia Weight Class

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |  0-9
Here is a list of Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations.  These are not specific to just Classic Cars, but covers all Automotive Acronyms and Abbreviations in general.  This is not an all inclusive list and as we come across more, we will add them here.  Drop us a note if you see something we missed. Note that some acronyms have more that one meaning.

Click on a letter below to go to that page.
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